I had a hectic day with class from 8.30am till 5.30am with only 1 hour free slot and 1 hour lunch time. It was really exhausted. I felt very sleepy during Adriana's Physics class that I can fall asleep any time. Today is Tuesday, I usually wash my dad's car on Tuesday. As usual, when I finish my class, I drove home and park my dad's car partly in the house to wash it. It was around 5.45pm and my neighbours' kid are playing badminton in front of their house. One of them asked me to play with them but I told him I have a car to wash. Some time later my neighbour went back from his evening jog and I greeted him. When he saw me washing the car he asked:
"The car is still very clean, Why are you washing it?

When I heard he said this, I really couldn't respond. I never asked myself why am I washing the car before this. I just plan ahead at the begining of the week and do it according to my plan. For example, I plan to wash my dad's car on Tuesday because I come home early every Tuesday. So when Tuesay come I would just wash the car as "programmed" earlier. When I look at the car, I found out that my dad's car isn't really dirty, well it wasn't dirty at all. Maybe because the sky didn't rain these few days thus doesn't dirty the car. Anyway, I still finish the task anyway because it is not my habit of stopping my task halfway.

A few minutes later his son came and asked the same question again, I just smiled at him. After thinking of it a while, I felt that many times we do something just for the sake of doing it not doing it to achieve another better things. For example, I washed my dad's car just now not because it is dirty, it is just because I had planned it earlier. I think that's the disadvantage of being too systematic. Do think of it sometime, do we ever do things just for the sake of doing it? Another example from me, I was one of the many hardworking persons in semester 1. I finished every tutorial questions given by my Engineering Mathematics Lecturer. Those tutorial questions were about 200-400 questions per chapter. I did finish it all alright. At first I wanted to finish it because I really need more practice in that chapter but later I just want to finish without thinking much. I'm more determined to finish those questions when Professor Anatoli told us that he did hundreds of quetions in some topics in Mathematics. When I finish all of it, I didn't really learnt much because all this while I was try very hard to finish those tutorial questions, not trying my very best to understand the questions. In the end, despite all the hardwork I only got a credit in my engineering mathematics.
In this semester, my engineering mathematics lecturer, Ms. Seibu always remind us to understand why are we studying new methods whenever she want to teach us something new. By understanding the logic behind it, we just need to do tutorial questions to remember it better. There's a saying, practice makes perfects. The best part is that we can understand much better by her teaching and doing 10 times less comparing to semester 1. The point is, we need to stop and think for a while to see if we really need to do it whenever we anything next time. It doen's only save your time, it also help you to finish your task with less effort but the same qualities.
I wash my car every week too. Every Sunday. But that's just because I take care of my car ;)
that is a good habit la... not like me, everytime mama ask us to do house work never do one. =P
Ya, agree with that teacher too! Do sth with ur heart. =D
With maths imo practice makes perfect. That's wat my dad says too. And I don't really understand how 'completing many questions and not really understanding it'can happen. Unless you mean doing all of it, but all the answers wrong lah.
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