Last night I went out to play futsal with my friends in Stakan. All 20+ of them were divided into two teams, Arsenal versus Tajikistan. Guess what? Arsenal lead by Avery lost to Tajiskistan 4-12. Eric had his first goal by giving a goal kick straight into the opponent's goal from in front of his own goal. Aldrin won the most fall and slides for the night. Yeah! His prize was injuries here and there from elbow to knees. The best striker of the match was Chen, who got 3 hat-trick-hero. 9 consecutive shots and goals. I was the goalkeeper for Arsenal but then I was fired due to my slow reaction. My condition changes when I transfered to Tajikistan, I saved almost all the ball kicked by Avery, Kwang Yang and Aldrin. When Arsenal lost too much, Averydecided to start a new match. The score was 3-2. After the match, almost everyone was injured but ONE, Johnson. He was uninjured, how lucky he was. The first injury takes place a few minutes after the match starts. It was Jonathan Goh, He was hit by the futsal ball on his man and went out of the match.
Avery, the one wearing green T-shirt was injured of course. His ankle was bleeding, there were many black and blue on his knees. Altough his team keep lossing, he still continue playing. What a sportmanships spirit! Besides, he had proved his Negativity Nil Campaign through out the match. I was injured of course. The first most unconfortable injury to me is this.
I broke my toe nail on my left little toe. My next injury will be my prize of heroic save from the high speed futsal ball. 
That is my prize, somehow I injured my left little finger when I did my save last evening. I couldn't even bent my fingers. It's really unconfortable when I brush my teeth. The joint is Bengkak and it will surely slow down my efficiency of doing things. Many people had sacrifice for that, when I saw Avery just now, he couldn't even walk properly. I couldn't type properly with my left fingers. Despite all the injuries we had, it was really a fun momment playing futsal with them and none of us complain about it. All for the name of futsal!
You ever cuci kaki ka? Hahaha...
haha...nice save pal! Cant believe you utilize all of your body to save the ball! I cant do that even! neither aldirn too! Haha..
haha...of course johnson cant do it la
i DID NOT give a goal kick when i scored my first goal.. i THREW the ball..
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