Friday, June 15, 2007

The Night Strike

On the 7th day of the tenth month of the reign of King Huc the next year, Keelize and his trrops were sent to an annihilation mission on the Orc encampment in the West. Their mission were simple, sneak into their encampment stealthily and let no one survive. Firstly, Keelize together with his captain and other companions planned to start arson in the camp, to mystify the Orcs. Then whole troops will be signaled to storm in the area. The earlier operation was done successfully, camps and storerhouse were burning brightly under the moon less sky. However only a few wounded Orcs came out from their camp to fight, the other are nowhere to be seen.
“Something is not right” Whispered the Captain Polyner.
“Where are the other Orcs?” Hushed Diray.
“Many camp are empty!” Muted Keelize.
“No!!!!!!!! IT’s A TR….!” Cried Cliea.

The captain not able to finish her last sentence, the sound of swords clanking can be heard everywhere. The footmen storm into the encampment as they saw the storehouse on fire. Unaware that the fighting Orcs are hunting them from behind, the footmen keep running in toward the meeting square. Then, here and there the Orcs appear out of darkness with touch on one hand and scimitar on the other. The footmen were frightened and shaking, out of the sudden they realized that they are in a battle with much stronger opponent. Many footmen fallen from the Tomahawk thrown by the Orcs hidden in the forest. Pieces of arms, heads and leg are everyway, blood spilled and flow on the soft grassland. The Orcs’ eyes were as bright as stars with an evil glare; their nose pierced with a ring; their mouth with blood stained teeth shouting their war cry.
“Tefini Thematecims! Kovram Secrops! Nareli Ggammncrop!!!”

When the chief Orc shouted Nareli Ggammncrop, There came a 9th feet tall Orc, with chain belt on its waist, spike on its hands, leg and neck with a two sided battleaxe at each arm charging toward Keelize, without knowing what to do, he quickly pick up his sword to fight back. The axe hurled by Ggrammncrop was too strong, it smacked Keelize to make him chucked a few feet away. His arm were slashed by the battleaxe and his sword was tossed away when he fell. Quickly he grab his small crossbow and aim at Ggrammncrop’s forehead and shoot. The bolt was shot out from the crossbow and pierce through Ggrammncrop’s head, it pulled the blot out and brake it. He gave a grim smile at Keelize as brown slime flow from it’s forehead. In a split second he made his second shot, this time it hit it’s nose. The beast keep surging forward hurling his axe when a storm of bolts flew toward its body, Keelize’s companion snatched his arm and pulled him away while the other tried to stop Ggrammncrop.

“Retreat!!! Retreat!!! Retreat to the garrison….” Commanded Captain Polyner.
That is the last sentence Keelize heard as he turn unconscious.

Last episode: Introduction
Next episode: The Horsemen

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