Merry Christmas!
Joy to the World the Lord is Come!

Yea, Christmas… Glo---o---ria, in excelsis De—o…
I went caroling with my church choir last night. We had been doing this since Last Monday, but now it is different because we are to do caroling in Boulevard! Yeah! Here are the view snapshots..
Like the Hakka used to say: New toilet to shit. So Boulevard is just another toilet for people to shit.

The magical opening of Boulevard… Hmm.. Where is the crowd?

Aha! There it is .. Boulevard is so crowded that it’s so difficult to walk around.

Kenny Rogers’ Roasters is now in Kuching!

The 6th BB Company a.k.a. my church BB is performing outside Boulevard.

My church choir after the caroling, can’t show you the picture of us doing caroling though because I have to be professional, focused in singing, not taking snapshots.. Hehe~

We got two guitarist and the one in blue shirt is our Reverend Ting. The guitarist on the left is his son, a pharmacist now doing practical in the general hospital.

[Whistle~] Hello! What’s your name? I promised my friend to say hello to you. Hello!

It’s a church made of bread!

Taking photos with
our fans the crowd, yeah~

After the caroling, I sure need to rest on a comfortable chair.. Hmm.. Which one is nicer?
In the end, I want to wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It's actually the SECOND time that Kenny Rogers is in Kuching ;)
Ok.. My bad...
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.
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