First of all, since 350 foundation students begun to flood Swinburne, we are having less and less parking space. It's still ok if we can find a parking lot at the carpark but somehow some newbies really don't know how to park properly.
Those two cars blocked my car on during last Tuesdat when we wanna go out for breakfast. Copy their no down and go buy 4D. Hehe!
Even in the multipurpose carpark, some people still can't park properly...
Last Saturday, we did some surveying improperly..
Which end up having the accuracy of 1:14
After surveying, I went to Aikido practice, When we went down from the Dojo, we found Ah Beng's car window got smashed at Dua Puluh Sen, Jalan Simpang Tiga.
Su Chan moved to Gardenia Court the next day, I was asked to help her to move her stuff there.
We had small cars you see, so her boy friend had to put on wok instead of helmet when we move her stuff from Chong Lin
In school, I'm glad I can help Keith with his MOS
Besides, I did learn how to draw flower on my calculator!
We really sweat a lot on CEP, we look for information until JPJ... Well, on the way there, we did stop by tp try out the original three layer Teh-C Peng.
That's mine! XD
Besides JPJ, we also visited these places
Informaion hunt was really terribly hard to do, fortunately, our 4 leaders for CEP are actually good friends, when we are tired of interviews and documentations, Maxbie tried some of his stress difusal trick on us.
Nice tatoo he got there, or maybe he is the one who get over stressed?
My life is so busy that I couldn't have enough sleep... CEP.. Hold on blog, I'll be back
CEP is tiring enough. And you still have Topo. Oh yes, it is going to be a wonderful semester for you.
Oh and I still want you to do well in CEP. I want MHM... Hehehe.
Can you don't put up such an exposing picture of her or not?
not dun wanna park properly. i wanna park near avery so that when go home waktu malam can walk together to car. kalau tidak later kena rompak, molest, rogol how. I dont see why ppl wud be interested in me but avery is
nah just wan company to walk to car. kia kia got ghost ba.
How come you're always the first to comment on my blog.. Should I give you a reward? Hm..
Topo + CEP = one leg kick = die
I should use my man power properly..
No more, I deleted it. haha!
Ok, why don't you park near me next time? :p
sheesh. i would rather park at chilipeppers than to park near to you...
the chilipeppers near king center...
lol jkjk
dang..i might be going swinburne too.haha.another parking headache..sigh sigh..
Yea, Esther. Dun worry, we still have our multi-storey car park available.. Maybe U need to park till 6A.. lol!
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