Nothing is easy, in materials & processes, we have to learn stuff like interatomic bonding.. Furthurmore, the lectures were just too boring. All this bond.. Ionic bond, metallic bond, covalent bond, van der waals bond, hydrogen bond, james bond, johnson bond, aldrin bond, avery bond, keith BOMB!
Maths wasn't exciting too.. Matrices, inverse, Gaussian eliminations.. Atleast it can be done by ti-83 plus..
CEP is the most busy and time consuming subject, demolition and redevelopment of government quarters in Batu Lintang, Kuching. We are required to do many researches from scrap, from the demolition, soil investigation, foundation work... Modelling.. EVERYTHING!!!
Well, there is something exciting in my subject, Topographical Engineering. Except for morning lecture that starts at 7.30am, we have fieldwork! YEAH! Have a look! I always thought surveying is fun

It rained cats and dogs on Saturday morning, Eric was late for fieldwork and showing a semi-concious face.. Well, actually everyone was affected by the rain. It just too nice to sleep during rainy days..

Somehow Melvin was the first one among us who supported less paper campaign. He told me he was going to use laptop instead of printed fieldwork paper at the site.

That's our equipment, two tripods, a prism and a total station. Our task of the week was to set up a total station.

Our friend, Lincoln was struggling to get the total station leveled. Believe it or not, Eric can actually set up the total station in 3 mins 29 sec! He claimed to be an expert of setting up total station, others said he was just lucky.

The picture above shows a view from where we hammered our pegs. It's all located around Chilipepers. If you ever want to sabotage, try pullig one of them out. That is if you're able to do it.
Hectic in, busy out
haha! Topo is fun yet tiring though! my section is tues afternoon, and for the past two outing, seems like the weather did treat us well! No HOT sun.. windy... **blow**
Congrats! My first Topo fieldwork and site visit is raining..
Second fieldwork lagi fun. Hehe.
I was peacefully reading ur blog entry in the middle of the night when suddenly the speakers blasted "Can you keep up?! Baby boy, make me lose my breath! Baby boy, make me lose my breath!"
Shocked me nia.
Sorry lor, btw this is the atmosphere we're going to encounter for the rest of the sem..
The first line is so familiar.
I think it's a plain coincident. The same line on the same posting date.. Wow!
Home theater,
Ok, thx! I'll get into it.
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