
Our gang went to Sushi King Boulevard last Saturday. Actually I have youth every Saturday evening, but having to know that one of them has a “buy one free one” coupon, I joined them.

They actually buy the coupon via phone which cost them RM3 per coupon, I remembered Sushi King once distributed their coupons in Swinburne but not many people area interested. Now when they imposed selling coupons then everyone started to sms for the coupon. Strange yea?

As the representatives of Sakai Association Kuching a.k.a. SAG, I just learned that there are two types of sauce in sushi. One is Shoyu, the sweet sauce and the other one is Nitsume, the salty sauce. Whenever you eat sushi, you can dip your sushi into wasabi – Nitsume sauce and have a Wow Wow feeling.

The picture above might be octopus with rice but I’m not sure, I just eat. The second picture is undeniable the legendary salmon with rice, just look at the structure(Keith)/texture(Me) of that sushi! Too bad it doesn’t come as often.

When stuff like peas are rotating on the track, Keith had no choice but to by pass the track and wait for something good and at the same time talking to a few taken hot chicks.

When we really can’t stand having the same type of sushi on the track for a few rounds even the boy is tired of looking at the same dish, we decided to order something special. The second picture shows a bowl of rice with fried chicken. The one below is a plate of chicken satay.

Fried fish on the top picture and the stacking empty plates, do not be deceived by the picture for it is less than half of the total plate Keith and I had conquered.

This is my last sushi but Keith wasn’t having enough, he wants more, so after calculating the amount we share, he moved to the girls table and continued his feast on seafood.

In the end, Keith had conquered the Sushi King Tritower! Just kidding, that’s the end product of the girls and the boys table not exactly end product. Keith and I were sitting at the men table so we can’t combine our plate with them. Otherwise we can erect another tower.

This is the photo I had taken when I want to dip my sushi into the sauce. From the picture we know that the sushi rice fell off before I was able to dip it. These are the qualities of Sushi King nowadays. On another point of view, it does reflect life.
Yeah yeah, you can say that somehow I’m enlightened by Saint Avery Just Kidding. “Shit happens” Avery 2006.

Life is not perfect. Some times we may face situation that might bring us down and under. Many times we can work out a way to fix it, other time we just have to accept it. Having to know it happens can already break you apart, trying to accept the fact out of it is just too much. But then this is life, after you had broken apart and lying in pieces, you should get yourself back to one piece because life goes on. However bad you were torn, you’ll have to find a way to stitch it back. It is not easy alright but at least you’d done something. Of cursing, damning and making your friends as enemies and your enemy as your worst enemy, why don’t you change the way you view? Yes, things may not be the way it was but we can’t neglect other zillions of beautiful things out there just because of one bad thing. You only live once, live till the fullness. If you think you can’t do this alone, hold on to God like I do.

Stickman Soon Eng sat on the wall,
Stickman Soon Eng had a great fall,
All the King’s needle and all the King’s thread,
Was able to put Soon Eng together again.
Stickman Soon Eng had a great fall,
All the King’s needle and all the King’s thread,
Was able to put Soon Eng together again.

ha! prefer to go eat than youth ho.. eng eng.. haha..jk..
Sushi King only once awhile ma.. Youth is on every Saturday night.. So I think is ok to skip it once.. Although I skipped it again on the next Sat for Jason's birthday.. Birthday mar.. Once a year only ma.. lol..
Ok lar.. Have to go back to youth this Sat..
that is shiloh on the last pic! Lol. I was amazed by their wall"papers".
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