Friday, February 27, 2009

The Longest River in the World

There was a certain donkey learned by itself that 1+1=3, so when it grew up, it strongly believe that 1+1=3. Then when it went to school, teacher taught it the right answer should be 1+1=2. This donkey accepted the new idea of 1+1=2 for a moment. Then when it reached home, it continues to write 1+1=3 in its exercise book. When it started to work, its boss taught it 1+1=2 as the right answer. Now this new idea sipped in then out of the brain after a moment. The poor donkey continues to believe that 1+1=3 after that. One day the donkey realised that the right answer to 1+1 is actually 2. When it was about to change its concept, it found out that since other donkeys also believes that 1+1=3 and they are still living fine, why should it change this concept anyway? So the donkey uses 1+1=3 until the day it dies.

A few people know where they are heading and work hard for it.
Some people let things come to them and struggle their way through it.
Most people don't even realise things passing them until it is too late.

Denial is the longest river in the World
Be a man, do the right thing.


saykhia said...

That line "denial is the longest river in the world" sounds so familiar ba =P

Ezekiel said...

Hehe! We know someone used to sing that out loud!